Storytelling is the heart and soul of memory keeping. It is also extremely easy when you have the right tools.
There are a number of storytelling freebies available at greene edition. Like this here one. Or this.
Storytelling is one of the most important aspects of scrapbooking. A good storyteller can make any scrapbook come to life, regardless of the subject matter. There are several things to consider when trying to tell a story through your scrapbook. First, think about what kind of story you want to tell. Do you want to recount a specific event, or tell a more general story about a certain time period or theme? Once you know what kind of story you want to tell, you can start to think about the individual elements that will make up that story.
What photos will you use? Do you have any letters, journal entries, or other mementos that can help to tell the story? What quotes or headlines will you use to set the stage? And finally, what embellishments will you add to really bring the story to life?
The best scrapbook stories are those that are personal and unique. So don’t be afraid to really let your personality shine through. After all, it’s your story to tell!

Download the storyteller template pack for free thru December 2022 here
There are also two monthy calendars for November and December 2022 included.
8.5×11 inches, US Letter sized storytelling page
but also in A4, A5 and my new fave DL.