Gold  Green

Gold  Green

Hello and thanks for stopping by at greene edition today. Have you had a good summer? I sure hope so. I was a lucky lil scrapbooker when I ran into Gina Jones’ challenges at Pixel Scrapper.  I took part in two of Gina’s challenges and voilá, here are two minis themed gold and green since these are Australia’s colours gold&green is a series of thematically connected kits on Straya’s wildlife. But Queensland first. Find 100% off coupon codes for both kits in Gina’s thread at PS. Here and Here.


Those of  you who have been visiting me here for a while now do know that yes, ma’am, I am a pixel scrapper. Check out the designer challenges at Pixel Scrapper and consider joining one way or the other. Please also check out my Template Challenge with a superb template by the wonderful Sharon Dewi Stolp.






