by greeneedition | Jul 13, 2023 | Tutorial
Tags: journaling5 Easy Journaling Tips to Help You Write Better Journaling can be a helpful tool for many different purposes, such as release, reflection, and growth. If you’re looking to improve your writing, there are some specific journaling tips that can be...
by greeneedition | Oct 3, 2021 | Tutorial
Tags: anniversary, journaling, memory keeping, pc, simple memory keeping, tutorialJournaling and The Joy of Memory Keeping Why We Should All Write Down Our Memories * The benefits of writing down our memories * How journaling our memories can help us to remember them...
by greeneedition | Apr 2, 2020 | Uncategorized
Tags: 12x12, automatic documenting, calendar, card, element pack, greene edition collection, hybrid, journaling, kit, layout, pocket cards, project life, simple memory keeping, word art Hello and thanks for stopping by at greene edition today. If you are here to grab...
by greeneedition | Sep 15, 2019 | Gallery
Tags: bible journaling, freebie, journaling, scripture, scripture journaling, word art New WA Freebie James Three Eighteen New WA Freebie James Three Eighteen Hello and thanks for stopping by at greene edition today. I have made a new WA Freebie James Three Eighteen...