Tennessee Tales
Hello and thanks for stopping by at greene edition today. Today I am showing off my Tennessee Tales Scrapbooking Kit, the next newslist freebie. Please subscribe to the newslist before April 14th if you would like to get this kit for free. You can do so by checking the sidebar, clicking ‘sign up’ in the top menu or by clicking here. Read our strict privacy policy here.
Tennessee Tales Scrapbooking Kit
When I had the mister look at the preview of the Tennessee Tales Scrapbooking Kit he said ‘bold, er but nice’. Bold alright, but nowhere as bold as Tennessee. Do you agree? And you can of course scrapbook it in an extremely simple way. Here is the preview with some layouts.

Tennessee Tales by greene edition
Tennessee Tales Layouts

Layout by Bina Greene
Have you been to Tennessee? Do you live there? Well, lucky you then. What a beautiful place.
The layout is with the bright green paper in the Tennessee Tales Scrapbooking Kit, desaturated to 29%. The JC is an overlay at 30% opacity. I do a lot of desaturating. But I like full color to start out with. Yes, I do. The geo pointer is one of the items I was hard to get away from. I left it as is but I ran eyecandy on it tho, namely the shadowlab. This plugin gives me more options than a PS style. I then duplicated the paper beneath the photos, put it on top of the pics, to get a nice texture. I shifted the hue into a more complimentary red instead of its original green which is always difficult on faces and went to overlay at 67% opacity. So the texture of the paper extends to the pics. I kinda liked this look. The overlay brings it home for me and adds a bit of warmth not really sought after in minimalism or a variable at all in most cases. But do we care? I took the time: 4 minutes on this one. But the pics were on that grid already. So in PSE I only had to deal with one pic instead of six. I did not have to resize or merge anything in PSE. Here are some saves from in between:

Layouts by Bina Greene
I also made one with some photos from my last trip to London.

Layout by Bina Greene
And some more

Layout by Bina Greene

greene edition – Tennessee Tales Scrapbooking Kit
The States Bundle and Tennessee Tales
There is a collection by Marisa Lerin of Pixel Scrapper at PS that works really well with these Tennesse Tales. It is called The States Bundle. If you are not a PS member or would like to extend your license on this bundle: It is available until April 6th, 2018 San Francisco time, for U$ 2 or 4 depending on whether you want a personal or a commercial license and it consists of 402 items. Check it out.